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About the Company

Who we are and how we serve insurers, agents, and Washington state residents.  

CEO Perspective

Engaging thought leadership on key insurance industry issues from our CEO. 

Meet the Team

Get to know the team behind WSRB’s trusted data and excellent customer service. 


Learn about the benefits of working at WSRB and apply for open positions.  

Underwriting Property

A guide to key risks in Washington state: fire, wildfire, and earthquakes.

Video Hub

Expert webinars, timely discussions, and in-depth conversations with industry leaders.. 

Commercial Property

Information on loss costs, policy rating, and assessment tools 

Industry Toolkit

Links to help you work smarter and serve your customers.  

Protection Classes

The evaluation process explained from start to finish.


News on emerging risks as well as our latest products. 


In-depth content on essential insurance topics.


Weekly newsletter covering the P/C industry, curated by our experts. 



About the Company

buildings overlooking water

Our role in insurance

Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau (WSRB) is an independent, not-for-profit, public service organization serving Washington state. We help insurers and their customers by providing objective data on multiple risk factors.  Our services enable insurers to evaluate risk efficiently and effectively, giving their policyholders peace of mind by making sure insurance rates are fair and non-discriminatory. See a complete list of what we provide to our Subscribers.

WSRB is not connected with any insurance company except to the extent that insurers operating within Washington state can subscribe to our services. The ownership of WSRB is vested in a subscriber trust agreement that is approved by the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner.

Our vision and mission

WSRB is an innovative organization in relentless pursuit of a better way to provide our subscribers and customers with trusted information and services that enhance their decision-making and success.

Our family of companies

We’re proud to offer data on key property risk factors for states outside Washington through our subsidiary, BuildingMetrix®.

Test 4

Our team understands property 

The WSRB team is comprised of insurance industry veterans, GIS experts, compliance professionals, commercial property analysts, customer service representatives, and more, all working together to develop products and services for you. Our culture of innovation and teamwork allows us to continuously improve our offerings and provide you with the most value possible, putting you, the Subscriber, first.