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About the Company

Who we are and how we serve insurers, agents, and Washington state residents.  

CEO Perspective

Engaging thought leadership on key insurance industry issues from our CEO. 

Meet the Team

Get to know the team behind WSRB’s trusted data and excellent customer service. 


Learn about the benefits of working at WSRB and apply for open positions.  

Underwriting Property

A guide to key risks in Washington state: fire, wildfire, and earthquakes.

Video Hub

Expert webinars, timely discussions, and in-depth conversations with industry leaders.. 

Commercial Property

Information on loss costs, policy rating, and assessment tools 

Industry Toolkit

Links to help you work smarter and serve your customers.  

Protection Classes

The evaluation process explained from start to finish.


News on emerging risks as well as our latest products. 


In-depth content on essential insurance topics.


Weekly newsletter covering the P/C industry, curated by our experts. 


For Community Officials

Water purveyors, building code officials, emergency dispatch center managers, and other public officials


Who we are

WSRB is an independent, not-for-profit, public service organization serving insurers, fire service professionals, and insurance consumers in Washington state.

Our data helps insurers accurately and efficiently evaluate risk and gives their customers confidence that insurance rates for fire coverage are fair and non-discriminatory. Our evaluation criteria is reviewed and approved by the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner.

What we do and why we do it 

WSRB regularly evaluates the fire protection capabilities of each community in Washington state to determine the community’s protection class (PC). A property’s PC is one input used to calculate fire insurance premiums, and many insurance companies in Washington state use this data.

As part of our evaluations, we look not only at the fire department but the community’s water supply, emergency communications, and fire prevention activities as well. 

Information on fire hydrant distribution and flow rates, emergency dispatching systems, and fire/building code enforcement are essential to our evaluations.

We also evaluate each community’s enforcement of its building codes to determine the area’s Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS®) classification. Insurance companies use BCEGS data for insurance rating and underwriting purposes.

What we'll ask of you

Before visiting a community, we contact the fire chief to schedule our evaluation, describe the information we need from the fire department and other community departments, and ask for contact information for those we need to talk to. You may be called upon to provide information to complete our evaluation; we’re happy to provide you with a checklist of the information we seek.

We collect information in various ways, including questionnaires, phone interviews, and in-person meetings, allowing us to work efficiently and save you time. If you receive a WSRB questionnaire from your fire chief or directly from us, please complete it and email it to the WSRB Fire Protection Analyst with any requested support documentation. 

Want to learn more about our process? Contact the Fire Protection Analyst who is evaluating your community directly or contact our Customer Service team and ask to be connected to the Vice President of Public Protection.