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About the Company

Who we are and how we serve insurers, agents, and Washington state residents.  

CEO Perspective

Engaging thought leadership on key insurance industry issues from our CEO. 

Meet the Team

Get to know the team behind WSRB’s trusted data and excellent customer service. 


Learn about the benefits of working at WSRB and apply for open positions.  

Underwriting Property

A guide to key risks in Washington state: fire and earthquakes.

Video Hub

Expert webinars, timely discussions, and in-depth conversations with industry leaders.. 

Commercial Property

Information on loss costs, policy rating, and assessment tools 

Industry Toolkit

Links to help you work smarter and serve your customers.  

Protection Classes

The evaluation process explained from start to finish.


News on emerging risks as well as our latest products. 


In-depth content on essential insurance topics.


Weekly newsletter covering the P/C industry, curated by our experts. 



No Sprinkler Left Behind

Learn more about our grading services, helping to ensure you're getting the maximum available sprinkler credit for your client.

Various studies have shown that automatic fire sprinklers are highly effective in controlling fires. WSRB extends credit to all eligible sprinkler systems. Having all the documentation to thoroughly evaluate an Automatic Fire Sprinkler system is still preferred, but now a lesser credit is available for many of those that do not have the original “As Built” plans.

An eligible Automatic Sprinkler System will receive a WSRB Mechanical Grade and Loss Cost discount if the following guidelines are met:


  • System is operational and turned on
  • System has been inspected, tested and maintained to code
  • Light or ordinary hazard occupants (not requiring specialized systems)*
  • System must be designed for the current occupancy
  • Design information must be confirmed through hydraulic placard at riser, partial set of plans, or some other method.
  • Water supply information must be available and must be adequate for the fire sprinkler system demand, including hose lines 


Other items 

  • WSRB must get access to the Riser Room and the majority of the building 
  • All test results must be current and available to WSRB 
  • If a system is dependent on a private water supply or a fire pump, additional information will be required
*We will also consider sprinkler systems protecting higher hazards; however systems using larger sprinkler heads, special application sprinklers or residential sprinklers are sometimes more difficult to confirm adequate design so additional documentation may be required  

Ordering an automatic sprinkler grade is easy!

Click the "Order Your Report" button below and order online with our Customer Service team. Reports take about 30 days to survey the building, dependent on availability. Remember, a review with the sprinkler plans will always give the most credit, but some credit will be give without. Choose what best fits your clients’ needs and let us know.


Educational Resources

Learn more about the work WSRB does alongside other sprinkler-related content. Click the icons below to access available resources.

Sprinkler 10
WSRB Sprinkler Rating
Further information regarding WSRB's automatic fire sprinkler evaluations


Sprinkler 8
Top Ten Reasons You Aren't
Getting Full Sprinkler Credit
The most common reasons for loss of credit during a WSRB evaluation

Sprinkler 9
The Importance of Automated
Sprinkler Systems
Explore the effectiveness of automatic fire sprinkler systems


Sprinkler 2-1
Busting Hollywood
Fire Sprinkler Myths
Films give us a distorted perception of how sprinklers work

Sprinkler 3
Home, Sprinklered Home
Learn about the benefits of installing a home sprinkler system


Sprinkler 4
Why Sprinkler Systems Fail
While extremely effective, fire sprinkler systems aren’t perfect

Sprinkler 6
Common Home Fire Sprinkler
Questions Answered
Do they work? Are they effective? Will they cause water damage?


Sprinkler 5-1
One Size Sprinkler System
Does Not Fit All
Different buildings have different sprinkler needs

Sprinkler 1-1
Automatic Sprinkler Testing:
Internal Piping Condition and Obstruction
Every year, a systems should undergo an inspection, testing, and maintenance


Sprinkler 7
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
in Automatic Sprinkler Systems
MIC can render a sprinkler system totally ineffective

Have more questions?

We hope this page and the linked articles have helped you . If you still have questions regarding what we can provide, please contact our Customer Service team at 206-217-0101, Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.