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About the Company

Who we are and how we serve insurers, agents, and Washington state residents.  

CEO Perspective

Engaging thought leadership on key insurance industry issues from our CEO. 

Meet the Team

Get to know the team behind WSRB’s trusted data and excellent customer service. 


Learn about the benefits of working at WSRB and apply for open positions.  

Underwriting Property

A guide to key risks in Washington state: fire and earthquakes.

Video Hub

Expert webinars, timely discussions, and in-depth conversations with industry leaders.. 

Commercial Property

Information on loss costs, policy rating, and assessment tools 

Industry Toolkit

Links to help you work smarter and serve your customers.  

Protection Classes

The evaluation process explained from start to finish.


News on emerging risks as well as our latest products. 


In-depth content on essential insurance topics.


Weekly newsletter covering the P/C industry, curated by our experts. 



Create an Account


  • WSRB Loss Costs
  • WSRB Protection Class Ratings
  • Filings & Forms

If you are an employee of a subscribing insurer, an agent, or another qualifying individual, such as a fire chief, you can create an account to access WSRB data and information for Washington state. Click here to learn how the process works.


BuildingMetrix®, a subsidiary of WSRB, offers comprehensive data solutions for states across the United States. Click here to check out our data tools and learn more. BuildingMetrix does not provide forms, loss costs, or protection classes.

Please note: If you are an employee of an insurer or an agent, the insurer you work for or represent must be a WSRB Subscriber for you to get access to WSRB data. If you’re unsure whether your employer or the company you write for is a Subscriber, contact Customer Service and our team will check for you.

Not a Subscriber yet? Get access for your company

Sign up to get the data you need to evaluate property risk in Washington state


If you’re an insurer authorized to write property insurance in Washington state, become a Subscriber so your employees and agents can create accounts with us and access WSRB Forms, Loss Costs, Protection Classes, and more. Explore a complete list of the  benefits of a WSRB subscription.

Any insurer authorized to write property insurance in the state of Washington is eligible to become a WSRB Subscriber. Subscribers pay an annual assessment for access to our products and services. Once an insurer becomes a Subscriber, each employee who needs to access our data should create an account to login to the WSRB Solutions website. Learn more about creating individual accounts here

If your company is — or will be — an insurer in Washington state and has not already subscribed, you can learn more about the benefits or contact us. We're happy to answer any questions you have.

WSRB is the only rating organization authorized to submit filings on behalf of insurers in Washington for property lines of insurance.

Get started today

Fill out the form

Use your business email address and other contact information; we cannot create accounts with personal email addresses.

Wait for approval

We'll review your information and send you a confirmation email upon approval; click the included link to activate your account.

Access data

Upon activation, you can access WSRB data and information for Washington state anytime you need it. Login here.